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distinctionnoun exceptionally high qualitya shop selling native handicrafts of distinction choiceness, excellence, excellency, first-rateness, greatness, perfection, preeminence, primeness, superbness, superiority, supremacy faultlessness, flawlessness, impeccability, perfectnessgoodness, value, worthconsequence, importance, notability averageness, badness, crumminess, inferiority, mediocrity, ordinariness, worthlessness a quality that gives something special worthhas the distinction of being the oldest house in the city cardinal virtue, excellence, excellency, grace, merit, value, virtue advantage, edge, plus, superiority deficiency, demerit, disvalue blemish, defect, failing, fault, flawdrawback, minus, negative public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievementI did all of the work, and the other guy got all the distinction acclaim, accolade, applause, bay(s), credit, glory, homage, honor, kudos, laud, laurels, props(slang), réclame, sun celebrity, fame, renown, reputecompliment, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, toast, tributeacclamation, ovation, plaudit, praise, rave, rhapsodycitation, commendation, kudo, note, recommendationelevation, enshrinement, enthronement, exaltation, glorification the fact or state of being above others in rank or importancea number of physicians of national distinction serve on the staff of the teaching hospital dominance, eminence, noteworthiness, paramountcy, preeminence, preponderance, preponderancy, prepotency, prestigiousness, primacy, superiority, supremacy, transcendence celebrity, fame, famousness, glory, honor, kudos, renown, reputation, reputemegastardom, stardom, superstardomgreatness, illustriousness, nobleness, notablenessascendance(also ascendence), ascendancy(also ascendency), authority, domination, dominioninfluence, power, prestige, weightinfamy, notoriety insignificanceinferiority, mediocrityobscureness, obscurity something given in recognition of achievementwon a number of distinctions in her long career as an actress accolade, award, blue ribbon, decoration, honor, kudo, plume, premium, prize badge, crown, cup, laurel, medal, order, plaque, plate, ribbon, trophyapplause, bravo, encomium, eulogy, hallelujah, homage, paean, panegyric, plaudit, tributecitation, commendation, compliment, honorable mention the quality or state of being differentthe distinction between the two photographic prints escapes me contrast, difference, disagreement, discrepancy, disparateness, disparity, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distance, distinctiveness, distinctness, diverseness, diversity, otherness, unlikeness deviance, divergencedifferentiability, discriminability, distinguishabilitychange, modification, variationconflict, discord, discordance, dissension(also dissention), dissent, dissidence, disunity, friction, strifevariability, varianceanomalousness, dichotomy, incompatibility, incongruence, incongruity, incongruousness, nonconformitydisproportion, imbalance, inequality, nonequivalence alikeness, analogousness, analogy, community, likeness, resemblance, sameness, similarity identicalness, identityaccordance, agreement, conformity, congruity, correspondence, parallelism, similitudeequality, equivalence, equivalencyhomogeneity, homogeneousness, uniformity the state of being kept distinctthe distinction between liberty and license is often violated in today's freewheeling society demarcation, discreteness, discrimination, separation differentiationisolation, segregation blurring, confusion in the 13th century |