

单词 distinctions
例句 distinctionsnounpl. of distinction

a quality that gives something special worthhas the distinction of being the oldest house in the city

cardinal virtues, excellences, excellencies, graces, merits, values, virtues

advantages, edges, pluses(also plusses), superiorities

deficiencies, demerits, disvalues

blemishes, defects, failings, faults, flawsdrawbacks, minuses, negatives

public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievementI did all of the work, and the other guy got all the distinction

acclaim, accolades, applauses, bays, credits, glories, homages, honors, kudos, lauds, laurels, props(slang), réclames, suns

celebrities, fames, renowns, reputescompliments, encomiums(also encomia), eulogies, panegyrics, toasts, tributesacclamations, ovations, plaudits, praises, raves, rhapsodiescitations, commendations, kudos, notes, recommendationselevations, enshrinements, enthronements, exaltations, glorifications

something given in recognition of achievementwon a number of distinctions in her long career as an actress

accolades, awards, blue ribbons, decorations, honors, kudos, plumes, premiums, prizes

badges, crowns, cups, laurels, medals, orders, plaques, plates, ribbons, trophiesapplauses, bravos(or bravoes), encomiums(also encomia), eulogies, hallelujahs, homages, paeans, panegyrics, plaudits, tributescitations, commendations, compliments, honorable mentions





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