例句 |
milk-and-wateradjective lacking in qualities that make for spirit and charactera milk-and-water campaign speech that most likely did not inspire a single person banal, flat, insipid, namby-pamby, watery, wishy-washy unexciting, uninspiring, unrewardingbland, boring, drab, dreary, dry, dull, heavy, humdrum, jading, leaden, lifeless, monotonous, pedestrian, ponderous, tedious, tiresome, tiring, uninteresting, vapid, wearisome, weary, wearyinginaneinnocuous, inoffensivemild, soft, subdued, tame, weakcommon, commonplace, ordinary, stale, unexceptional piquant, poignant, pungent, racy, spicymeaty, substantialentertaining, exciting, galvanizing, inspiring, invigorating, thrilling lacking strength of will or characterwe need to elect a leader with a bold vision, not someone who's been a milk-and-water yes-man all his life characterless, effete, frail, invertebrate, limp-wristed, namby-pamby, nerveless, soft, spineless, weak, weak-kneed, weakened, weakling, wet(British), wimpish, wimpy, wishy-washy flabby, flaccid, forceless, ineffective, ineffectualimpotent, impuissant, powerlessemasculated, unnervedlamblike, meek, pliable, submissivecorrupt, dastardly, unprincipled, unscrupulous, villainouscowardly, craven, fainthearted, lily-livered, nebbishy, poltroon, pusillanimous, sissy, timidinfirm, irresolute, vacillating backboned, firm, hard, strong, tough ethical, good, moral, principled, right, righteous, upright, virtuousdetermined, mettlesome, resolute, unrelentingcourageous, stalwart, stouthearted in 1753 |