例句 |
rail (at or against)verb to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failingswe could hear the cook in the kitchen railing against his assistant and wondered if we'd ever get our food baste, bawl out, berate, call down, castigate, chastise, chew out, dress down, flay, hammer, jaw, keelhaul, lambaste(or lambast), lecture, rag, rant (at), rate, ream (out), rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scold, score, tongue-lash, upbraid admonish, chide, remonstrate (with), reproveabuse, assail, attack, bad-mouth, blame, blast, censure, condemn, criticize, crucify, denounce, dis(also diss, slang), excoriate, fault, harangue, knock, lace (into), lash, pan, reprehend, revile, scourge, slam, vituperatebelittle, disparage, mock, put downridicule, scoff, scorn lay into, read the riot act (to), take to task approve, endorse(also indorse), sanctionextol(also extoll), laud, praise |