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raisenoun something added (as by growth)the school board approved a raise in the maximum family income for students qualifying for reduced-price lunches accretion, accrual, addendum, addition, augmentation, boost, expansion, gain, increase, increment, more, plus, proliferation, rise, step-up, supplement, uptick accumulation, assemblage, collection, gatheringcomplementaccession, appendix, continuation, extension, uptrend, upturnjump, run-up, spike abatement, decline, decrease, decrement, depletion, diminishment, diminution, drop-off, fall, falloff, lessening, loss, lowering, reduction, shrinkage, step-down deduction, subtraction raiseverbto move from a lower to a higher place or positionhe asked members of the audience to raise their hands if they had been to his show before boost, crane, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hike, hoist, jack (up), lift, perk (up), pick up, take up, up, uphold, uplift, upraise ascend, mount, riserear, upend drop, lower descend, dip, fall, pitch, plunge, slipbear, depress, press, pushsink, submerge to bring to maturity through care and educationsince she was only two when her mother died, the girl was raised mainly by her aunt breed, bring up, foster, nourish, nurse, rear father, motherattend, care (for), cradle, cultivate, mind, minister (to), nurture, watchdiscipline, educate, instruct, mentor, school, teach, train, tutoredify, enlighten, indoctrinatefeed, provide (for), supplyadvance, forward, further, promotepreparedirect, guide, lead, shepherd, show abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, mishandle, mistreatignore, neglectharm, hurt, injure to bring (something volatile or intense) into beinga proposal to cover the library's red brick with vinyl siding raised a mighty ruckus with those favoring historical preservation abet, brew, ferment, foment, incite, instigate, pick, provoke, stir (up), whip (up) advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurture, promote, sow, stimulatedetonate, set, set off, triggerexcite, galvanize, inflame(also enflame), inspire, motivate, rouseactivate, energize, enliven, fire, invigorate, jazz (up), liven (up), pep (up), quicken, stimulate, vitalize set in motion bridle, check, constrain, curb, discourage, hold, inhibit, regulate, rein (in), restrain, tameallay, calm, quiet, settle, soothe, still, subdue, tranquilize(also tranquillize) to draw out (something hidden, latent, or reserved)the lawsuit raised old resentments that had never been completely extinguished educe, elicit, evoke, inspire drag, dredge (up), extort, extract, pull, wangle, wrest, wringcoax (out), gain, get, obtain, procure, securebare, disclose, discover, divulge, evince, expose, reveal, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil call forth disregard, forget, ignore, miss, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over to fix in an upright positionthe mattress will fit into the moving truck only if we raise it on its side erect, pitch, put up, rear, set up, upend, upraise brace, buttress, prop (up), shore (up), supportboost, crane, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hike, hoist, jack (up), lift, perk (up), pick up, up, uphold, uplift demolish, flatten, knock down, level, raze, tear down to form by putting together parts or materialsraised a memorial on the site of the historic event assemble, build, confect, construct, erect, fabricate, make, make up, piece, put up, rear, set up carpenter, fashion, forge, frame, hammer, handcraft, manufacture, mold, produce, shapeprefabricatebegin, coin, create, generate, inaugurate, initiate, innovate, invent, originateconstitute, establish, father, found, institute, organizeconceive, concoct, contrive, cook (up), design, devise, imagine, think (up)reassemble, rebuild, reconstruct, redevelop, reedify(British), retrofitjerry-build, rig (up), throw upcombine, unite put together demount, disassemble, dismantle, dismember, knock down, strike, take down, tear down demolish, destroy, devastate, flatten, level, pull down, pulverize, raze, ruin, ruinate, shatter, smash, wreckblow up, explodedetach, disengagedisconnect, disjoin, disunite, divide, separate to look after or assist the growth of by labor and careraises ducks, geese, and other exotic fowl ultimately destined for the dinner table crop, cultivate, culture, dress, grow, promote, rear, tend breed, produce, propagateplant, sowgather, glean, harvest, reapgerminate, quicken, ripen, root, sprout killdig, extirpate, pick, pluck, pull (up), uprootcut, hay, mow to make greater in size, amount, or numberthe multiplex raised the ticket price accelerate, add (to), aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, build up, compound, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, hype, increase, multiply, pump up, stoke, supersize, swell, up boom, jump, skyrocket, spikebump (up), ratchet (up)also rachet (up)blow up, dilate, distend, inflatedraw out, elongate, flesh (out), lengthen, prolong, protract, stretchdevelop, enhance, heighten, intensify, magnifycomplement, supplementbeef (up), reinforce(also reenforce), strengthenmaximizeaccumulate, amass, collectfollow up, parlay abate, decrease, de-escalate, diminish, downsize, dwindle, lessen, lower, minify, reduce, subtract (from) abbreviate, abridge, curtail, shortencompress, condense, constrict, contractcut back, retrench to move higher in rank or positionhe was recently raised to lieutenant in the fire department advance, elevate, promote, upgrade forward, furtheraggrandize, boost, heighten, improve, lift, upliftcommission, ennoble, knightacclaim, applaud, celebrate, cite, commend, compliment, congratulate, decorateeulogize, exalt, extol(also extoll), glorify, hail, honor, laud, praise, salute kick upstairs abase, degrade, demote, downgrade, lower, reduce depose, dethrone, dismiss, expel, impeach, oust, overthrow, remove, unmake, unseatdemean, disgrace, dishonor, humble, humiliate, mortify, shame, take downcensure, condemn, damn, denounce, reprobate to present or bring forward for discussionone member of the tour raised the subject of appropriate attire for visits to sacred sites in the Holy Land bring up, broach, introduce, moot, place allude (to), cite, mention, name, refer (to)offer, propose, suggestair, express, speak (of), talk (about), vent, ventilateinterject, interruptdebate, discuss, thrash (out or over) censor, hush (up), quiet, silence, suppress to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)too afraid to raise an objection air, expound, express, give, look, sound, state, vent, ventilate, voice advertise, announce, declare, enounce, enunciate, proclaim, saybroadcast, circulate, disseminate, publishdescribe, write, write upsound off, speak out, speak upchime incommunicate, convey, put across, put overoffer, submit give air to, put forth stifle, suppress censor, restrain, restrict v.lift, raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost mean to move from a lower to a higher place or position.lift usually implies exerting effort to overcome resistance of weight.lift the chair while I vacuum raise carries a stronger implication of bringing up to the vertical or to a high position.scouts raising a flagpole rear may add an element of suddenness to raise.suddenly reared itself up on its hind legs elevate may replace lift or raise especially when exalting or enhancing is implied.elevated the taste of the public hoist implies lifting something heavy especially by mechanical means.hoisted the cargo on board heave implies lifting and throwing with great effort or strain.heaved the heavy crate inside boost suggests assisting to climb or advance by a push.boosted his brother over the fence in the 13th century |