

单词 rambles
例句 ramblesnounpl. of ramble

a short trip for pleasurethe couple's weekend rambles up and down the valley in search of interesting antiques

excursions, jaunts, junkets, outings, sallies, sashays, sorties, spins

journeys, travels, voyagescircuits, toursexpeditions, odysseys, safarisdetourshikes, peregrinations, treks, walkspilgrimages

a relaxed journey on foot for exercise or pleasureour usual practice is to take a ramble around the neighborhood after dinner

ambles, constitutionals, perambulations, ranges, saunters, strolls, turns, walks, wanders

parades, paseos, promenadesexpeditions, hikes, marches, peregrinations, traipses, tramps, travels, traversals, traverses, treks, trips, walkaboutsexcursions, jaunts, junkets, outings, sallies, sashays, spins, tourspilgrimages, progresses, safaris

ramblesverbpresent tense third-person singular of ramble

to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a pointthe teenagers sat around the pizza parlor, rambling on about dating, homework, movies, and the local football team

blathers (on), goes on, maunders, rattles, runs on

deviates, digresses, strays, wanderssidetracksblabbers, blabs, blithers, bumbles, burbles, chats, chatters, drivels, drools, gabbles, gabs, gibbers, jabbers, patters, prates, prattles, waffles

runs one's mouth

to move about from place to place aimlesslyby tirelessly rambling around San Francisco for a week we probably saw more of it than many residents ever have

bats, cruises, drifts, floats, gads (about), gallivants(also galavants), kicks around, knocks (about), maunders, meanders, mooches, ranges, roams, roves, traipses, wanders

ambles, saunters, strollsdawdles, mopesgypsies, hobos, tramps, vagabondsmills (about or around)straggles, strays

to travel by foot for exercise or pleasurewe're planning to ramble all over the highland moors when we're in Dartmoor

ambles, hikes, perambulates, saunters, strolls, tramps, tromps

roams, roves, wandersperegrinates, traipses, traverses, treks, walksmarches, promenadespower walks





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