例句 |
rangenoun open land over which livestock may roam and feedknew exactly how many head of cattle were turned out on the range that morning to graze lea(or ley), pasturage, pasture ranch, stationfeedlot, stockyard, yardgrassland, pampas, prairie, savanna(also savannah), steppe an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extendsdidn't know she had such a wide range of knowledge until I talked to her ambit, amplitude, breadth, compass, confines, dimension(s), extent, reach, realm, scope, sweep, width gamut, spectrum, spreadbailiwick, circle, demesne, department, discipline, domain, element, fief, fiefdom, field, province, region, specialty, sphere, terrainfrontierhorizon, panorama the distance or extent between possible extremesan actor who can go through the full range of emotion, from joy to sorrow, in mere minutes diapason, gamut, scale, spectrum, spread, stretch measure, pitchambit, amplitude, compass, dimension(s), extent, reach, realm, scope, sweep, width a relaxed journey on foot for exercise or pleasurethey were stopped by security personnel while taking an innocent range through the palace grounds amble, constitutional, perambulation, ramble, saunter, stroll, turn, walk, wander parade, paseo, promenadeexpedition, hike, march, peregrination, traipse, tramp, travel, traversal, traverse, trek, trip, walkaboutexcursion, jaunt, junket, outing, sally, sashay, spin, tourpilgrimage, progress, safari a series of persons or things arranged one behind anotherfrom the air, the mountain range stretched as far as we could see in both directions column, cue, file, line, queue, string, train echelon, rank, row, tierchain, progression, sequence, successionarray an appliance that prepares food for consumption by heating itthe high-end appliances include a professional-quality gas range cooker, cookstove broiler, fryer(also frier), microwave, microwave oven, oven, roaster, rotisserie, stove, toaster, toaster oven the place where a plant or animal is usually or naturally foundthe American robin's winter range has steadily extended farther and farther north habitat, home, niche, territory element, environment, environs, haunt, locality, medium, milieu, neighborhood, setting, surroundings rangeverbto arrange or assign according to typethe campers were ranged in patrols, each patrol consisting of girls in a certain age group assort, break down, categorize, class, classify, codify, compartment, compartmentalize, digest, distinguish, distribute, grade, group, peg, place, rank, relegate, separate, sort, type array, dispose, draw up, marshal(also marshall), order, organize, systematizealphabetize, catalog(or catalogue), file, index, list, referpigeonhole, shelveidentify, recognizecull, screen, set, sieve, sift, winnowclump, cluster, colligaterecategorize, reclassify, regroupsubcategorize confuse, disarrange, jumble, lump, mix (up), scramblemisclassify, missort, mistype to move about from place to place aimlesslyshe let her dog off the leash and whistled for him every now and then to make sure he didn't range out of hearing bat, cruise, drift, float, gad (about), gallivant(also galavant), kick around, knock (about), maunder, meander, mooch, ramble, roam, rove, traipse, wander amble, saunter, strolldawdle, mopegypsy, hobo, tramp, vagabondmill (about or around)straggle, stray to occur within a continuous range of variationthe color of Florida grapefruit can range anywhere from pale pink to ruby red go, run, vary alternate, fluctuate, move, shiftchange, mutateextend, reach, stretch, sweep to put into a particular arrangementchairs were ranged round the perimeter of the room arrange, array, classify, codify, dispose, draw up, lay out, marshal(also marshall), order, organize, systematize groom, make up, spruce (up), straighten (up), tidy (up)unscramblealign(also aline), cue, line, line up, queuealphabetize, file, hierarchize, prioritize, sequenceemplace, place, setdisplay, map (out), set out derange, disarrange, disarray, disorder, mess (up), muss (up), rumple, upset n.range, gamut, compass, sweep, scope, orbit mean the extent that lies within the powers of something (as to cover or control).range is a general term indicating the extent of one's perception or the extent of powers, capacities, or possibilities.the entire range of human experience gamut suggests a graduated series running from one possible extreme to another.a performance that ran the gamut of emotions compass implies a sometimes limited extent of perception, knowledge, or activity.your concerns lie beyond the narrow compass of this study sweep suggests extent, often circular or arc-shaped, of motion or activity.the book covers the entire sweep of criminal activity scope is applicable to an area of activity, predetermined and limited, but somewhat flexible.as time went on, the scope of the investigation widened orbit suggests an often circumscribed range of activity or influence within which forces work toward accommodation.within that restricted orbit they tried to effect social change in the 14th century |