例句 |
knotsnounpl. of knot a number of things considered as a unitfrom the summit we could see knots of houses up and down the river valley arrays, assemblages, bands, banks, batches, batteries, blocks, bunches, clots, clumps, clusters, clutches, collections, constellations, groupings, groups, huddles, lots, musters, packages, parcels, passels, sets, suites accumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerationsagglomerations, assortments, hodgepodges, jumbles, miscellanies, mixtures, odds and ends, sundries, varietiescycles, runs, series, suits the whole kit and caboodle entities, items, singles, units a small rounded mass of swollen tissuefelt a small knot on the back of his head bumps, lumps, nodes, nodules, swellings growths, tumors, wartshumps, hunchesbruises, contusions, weltsblisters, boilsblobs, chunks, clods, clumps, gobbets, gobs, hunks, knobs, nubbles, nubs, nuggets, wads a uniting or binding force or influencetheir business partnership is strengthened by the knot of personal friendship bonds, cements, cords, ligatures, links, ties attachments, connections, fastenings, hookups, joints, linkages, linkups, nexuses(or nexus), tie-ups, unions, yokesaffections, sympathiesfetters, handcuffs, manacles, shackles, trammelsconstraints, curbs, limitations, limits, restraints, restrictions partings, separationsemancipations, freedoms, liberations, releases a usually small number of persons considered as a unitknots of people were quietly chatting around the meeting hall arrays, bands, batches, batteries, bodies, boodles, bunches, clusters, clutches, consorts, constellations, crops, groupings, groups, huddles, lots, parcels, parties, passels assemblies, collectives, congregations, gatherings, musters, organizationscircles, clans, cliques, coteries, fellowships, gangs, rings, rounds, setsfactions, guilds(also gilds), orders, schools, sectsbrigades, crews, outfits, phalanxes(or phalanges), platoons, posses, task forces, teamsalliances, blocs, coalitions, confederacies, confederations, federations, leagues, unionsbattalions, squadronsbevies, broods, coveys the whole kit and caboodle individuals, singles something that requires thought and skill for resolutionthe situation involved so many legal knots that we decided to get a lawyer cases, challenges, matters, nuts, problems, troubles issues, questionscorners, fixes, holes, hot waters, jams, mires, pickles, predicaments, quagmires, spotscruxes(also cruces), Gordian knots, sticky wickets, toughiescatch-22's(or catch-22s), dilemmas, quandariescatches, glitches, hitches, pitfalls, snagsconundrums, enigmas, mysteries, puzzlements, puzzles, riddlesbrainteasers, posers, stumpers answers, solutions magic bullets, silver bulletscure-alls, panaceas knotsverbpresent tense third-person singular of knotto twist together into a usually confused massthe extension cords were hopelessly knotted together entangles, interlaces, intertwines, intertwists, interweaves, snarls, tangles jumbles, scrabbles, scramblesbraids, enlaces, entwines, entwists, inweaves, plaits, twines, weaves, winds, wreathes, writhes disentangles, unsnarls, untangles, untwines, untwists unknots, unravels, unscramblesunweaves |