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mindnoun the part of a person that feels, thinks, perceives, wills, and especially reasonsscientists still disagree about exactly where the mind is located brain, cerebrum, head, psyche, thinker belfry, gray matter, intellect, intelligence, loaf(British slang), noodle, reason, skullacumen, alertness, astuteness, brilliance, insight, judgment(or judgement), mentality, perception, perspicacity, sagacity, sapience, wisdom, witawareness, cognizance, consciousness, self-awareness, self-consciousness the normal or healthy condition of the mental abilitieseveryone used to tease him and tell him he was out of his mind when he swore he'd seen a flying saucer daylights, head, marbles, reason, saneness, sanity, wit(s) rationality, reasonableness, sensehealth, healthfulness, healthiness, wholesomenessclearheadedness, lucidity, lucidness, normalcy, normality, soundnesswisdom dementia, derangement, insanity, lunacy, madness, mania, unreason delusion, hallucinationdelirium, frenzy, hysteria an idea that is believed to be true or valid without positive knowledgeplease speak your mind freely on this matter belief, conviction, eye, feeling, judgment(or judgement), notion, opinion, persuasion, sentiment, verdict, view sayimpression, perception, takeattitudeassumption, presumption, presuppositionconclusion, decision, determinationdeliverance, esteem, estimate, estimationcredence, credit, faithconcept, conception, idea, thoughtposition, stance, standcomment, obiter dictum, observation, reflection, remarkconjecture, guess, hunch, hypothesis, surmise, theoryadvice, input, recommendation, suggestionangle, outlook, perspective, shoes, slant, standpoint, viewpointcounterview fact, truth the power or process of recalling what has been previously learned or experiencedcall to mind the events of last year memory, recollection, remembrance, reminiscence hypermnesia, total recallcontemplation, meditation, musing, reflection, retrospection, thinkingawareness, cognizance, consciousnessapprehension, comprehension, grasp, grip, perception, understanding amnesia, repressionforgetfulness mindverbto pay attention especially through the act of hearingyou'll be in big trouble if you don't straighten up and mind attend, hark, harken, hear, hearken, heed, listen prick up one's ears ignore, tune out discount, disregard chiefly dialectto bring back to mindI seem to mind such a tale from way back flash back (to), hark back (to), harken back (to), hearken back (to), recall, recollect, remember, reminisce (about), reproduce, think (of) recapture, recureduce, elicit, evoke, extract, raise, remindreliverepresent disremember, forget, unlearn misrememberdisregard, ignore, neglect, overlooklose, missblank (out) to act according to the commands oftell the children to mind the babysitter adhere (to), comply (with), conform (to), follow, goose-step (to), obey, observe defer (to), submit (to), surrender (to), yield (to)accede (to), acquiesce (to), agree (to), assent (to)attend, hear, heed, listen (to), mark, note, notice, regard, take, watch abide by, fall in with, keep to defy, disobey, rebel (against) disobligechallenge, darerefuse, renounce, repudiatedirect, leadbrush (off), disregard, ignore, overlook, overpass, pass over, tune out, wink (at)dismiss, pooh-pooh(also pooh), shrug offbreach, break, infringe, transgress, violatederide, flout, mock, scoff (at), scornmutiny (against), revolt (against)buck, combat, contest, dispute, fight, oppose, resist, withstand to be cautious of or on guard againstmind the slippery steps beware (of), guard (against), look out (for), ware, watch out (for) attend, heed, mark, note, noticebehold, discern, observe, perceive, see, watch be on the lookout for, keep one's eyes open for(or keep one's eyes peeled for) discount, disregard, ignore, miss, overlook to have an interest or concern fordon't mind him; he's always complaining care, look out (for), watch attend, heed, regardnote, notice, observeempathize (with), feel (for), sympathize (with) disregard, ignore, overlook to take charge of especially on behalf of anotherthe salesperson will mind the store while the manager goes out to lunch attend, care (for), oversee, superintend, supervise, tend, watch administrate, conduct, control, direct, govern, guide, manage, operate, preside (over), regulate, run, stewardguard, patrol, protect, safeguard, shieldbaby, babysit, chaperone(or chaperon), mother, shepherd look after, see after, see to, take care of abandon, disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, pass over to take notice of and be guided bymind the instructions that appear at the top of the first page of the exam follow, heed, listen (to), note, observe, regard, watch consider, contemplate, mull, ponder, weighcomply (with), conform (to), keep, obey, respectattend (to), hark (to), hear, hearken (to)mark, notice, see disregard, ignore, tune out brush (aside or off), discount, dismiss, gloss (over), gloze (over), neglect, pass over, pooh-pooh(also pooh), scorn, shrug offdefy, floutslight, snub before the 12th century |