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labelnoun a slip (as of paper or cloth) that is attached to something to identify or describe iton its frame the painting had a label with its title and the name of the artist marker, tag, ticket caption, legendbrand, emblem, hallmark, logo, mark, symbol, trademarkbadge, decal, plaque, seal, stamp, sticker labelverbto attach an identifying slip tohe labeled all of the poisonous materials with the familiar skull and crossbones mark, tag, ticket caption, earmark, hallmark, stampcall, designate, identify, name, tabentitle, style, term, titlebrand, stigmatize to give a name tothe dictionary labels some words "archaic" baptize, call, christen, clepe(archaic), denominate, designate, dub, entitle, name, nominate, style, term, title brand, stigmatize, tagdenote, specifymiscall, misname, mistitlecode-name, nicknamerechristen, relabel, renamesurname in the 14th century |