例句 |
ladeverb to lift out with something that holds liquidthe cook laded the stew into small bowls bucket, dip, ladle, scoop, spoon baildeplete, drain, eliminate, empty, exhaustbleed, draw (off)dishslopdecant, draw, pump, siphon(also syphon), suction pourfill to place a weight or burden onthe trucks were heavily laden with produce for the market burden, encumber, freight, laden, load, lumber, saddle, weight clog, clutter, fill, packheap, mound, pile, stackpress, weighstrain, taxoverburden, overload, overtax, surchargehamper, handicapafflict, oppress disburden, discharge, disencumber, unburden, unlade, unload alleviate, ease, lighten, relieve before the 12th century |