例句 |
la-di-daadjectivealso la-de-da or lah-de-dah or lah-dee-dah or lah-di-dah self-consciously trying to present an appearance of grandeur or importancethere's no need to be la-di-da with your friends—we all know that classy accent is a put-on affected, grandiose, high-minded, highfalutin(also hifalutin), ostentatious, pompous, pretentious, snippy airy, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, high-toned, sententiousarrogant, bumptious, complacent, conceited, egoistic(also egoistical), egotistic(or egotistical), high-and-mighty, high-handed, high-hat, hoity-toity, imperious, important, overweening, presumptuous, prideful, proud, self-asserting, self-assertive, self-centered, self-complacent, self-conceited, self-important, self-obsessed, self-pleased, self-satisfied, smug, uppity, vain, vaingloriousself-aggrandizing, self-dramatizing, self-glorifying, self-promotingcavalier, disdainful, haughty, lordly, snobbish, snobby, stuck-up, supercilious, superiorconfident, self-assured, self-confident, sureboastful, braggart, braggingaggressive, assertive, audacious, bold, brassy, cheeky, cocky, forward, impudent, insolent, rudeflamboyant, flashy, flaunting, garish, gaudy, glitzy, showy, splashy modest, unpretentious demure, down-to-earth, homely, humble, lowly, meek, retiring, unassertive, unassumingbashful, diffident, mousy(or mousey), overmodest, passive, quiet, reserved, shy, timid in 1881 |