例句 |
does upverbpresent tense third-person singular of do up to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becomingthe whole house had been done up for Halloween adorns, arrays, beautifies, bedecks, bedizens, blazons, caparisons, decks, decorates, does, dolls up, drapes, dresses, embellishes, emblazes, embosses, enriches, fancies up, fancifies, festoons, garnishes, glitzes (up), graces, gussies up, ornaments, pretties (up), trims accessorizes, dresses up, traps, tricks (out)brightens, freshens, smartens, spruces (up)bosses, chasesbraids, embroiders, feathers, figures, filigrees, fillets, flounces, frills, fringes, furbelows, garlands, hangs, laces, ribbons, swags, wreathesappliqués, gilds, paintsdiamonds, gems, impearls, jewels, pearlsredecorates, redoes blemishes, defaces, disfigures, mars, scars, spoils simplifies, streamlinesbares, denudes, dismantles, displays, divests, exposes, reveals, strips, uncoversuglifies to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clotheson Wild West Day some of the women came to the office done up as showgirls, while the men were mostly outlaws apparels, arrays, attires, bedecks, caparisons, clothes, costumes, decks (out), dresses, dresses up, enrobes, garbs, garments, gets up, gowns, habits, invests, rigs (out), robes, suits, togs (up or out), toilets, vestures cloaks, frocks, jackets, mantles, vestsdrapes, enswathes, haps(dialect), huddles, swaddles, swathes, wrapsaccoutres(or accouters), bedights(archaic), equips, furnishes, habilitates, outfits, tailors, uniformsdresses down, underdresses disarrays, disrobes, strips, unclothes, undresses, untrusses(archaic) denudes, divests, uncovers, undrapes, unveils to use up all the physical energy ofall of this fussing about the wedding has done me up breaks, burns out, busts, does in, drains, exhausts, fags, fatigues, frazzles, harasses, kills, knocks out, outwears, tires, tuckers (out), washes out, wearies, wears, wears out debilitates, enervates, enfeebles, saps, wastes, weakens wears to a frazzle activates, energizes, invigorates, rejuvenates, strengthens, vitalizesrelaxes, rests, unwinds |