例句 |
dognoun a domestic mammal that is related to the wolves and foxesa dog who needs a loving home canine, doggy(or doggie), hound, pooch, tyke(also tike) cur, mongrel, muttbitchlapdog, pup, puppy, puppy dog, whelpbandog, bird dog, coonhound, courser, gundog, hunter, sheepdog, sled dog, watchdog, wolf dog, wolfhoundguide dog, police dog, working dog a person whose behavior is offensive to othersshe must think that you're a real dog after hearing those tasteless jokes you told last night bastard, beast, bleeder(British), blighter(chiefly British), boor, bounder, bugger, buzzard, cad, chuff, churl, clown, creep, cretin, crud(slang), crumb(slang), cur, dirtbag(slang), fink, heel, hound, jerk, joker, louse, lout, pill, rat, rat fink, reptile, rotter, schmuck(slang), scum, scumbag(slang), scuzzball(slang), skunk, sleaze, sleazebag(slang), sleazeball(slang), slime, slimeball(slang), slob, snake, so-and-so, sod(chiefly British), stinkard, stinker, swine, toad, varmint, vermin barbarian, brute, caveman, Neanderthal, savageloudmouth, vulgarianlowlife, miscreant, rascal, rogue, roughneck, scab, scamp, scoundrel, villain, wretchbooby, doofus(slang), fool, jackass, nincompoop, ninny, nit(chiefly British), nitwit, nut, schmo(or schmoe, slang)airhead, birdbrain, blockhead, dink(slang), dolt, dope, dork(slang), goon, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, turkeybrat, insolent, nuisance, pest, snipsnob, snoot, snotdweeb(slang), nerd son of a gun hero, heroine, idol, role modelgentleman, ladyangel, saint dogverbto go after or on the track ofstar athletes being dogged by fans when they're out in public bird-dog, chase, course, follow, hound, pursue, run, shadow, tag, tail, trace, track, trail accompany, chaperone(or chaperon), escorthunt, search (for), seekeye, observe, watch run after guide, lead, pilot head to subject (someone) to constant scoldings and sharp reminderstired of constantly having to dog their son about cleaning his room henpeck, hound, nag, needle, peck (at) carp (at), fuss (about or over), nitpickannoy, badger, bait, bother, bug, chivy(or chivvy), harass, harry, hassle, irk, pester, plague, ride, vex, yap (at)egg, goad, incite, prod, prompt, spur, urgeexhort, insist, press, pressure, pushblandish, cajole, coax, wheedlebeg, importune, plead pick at complimentcommend, laud, praise, recommend, toutacclaim, applaud, build up, eulogize, extol(also extoll) before the 12th century |