

单词 doing up
例句 doing upverbpresent participle of do up

to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becomingthe whole house had been done up for Halloween

adorning, arraying, beautifying, bedecking, bedizening, blazoning, caparisoning, decking, decorating, doing, dolling up, draping, dressing, embellishing, emblazing, embossing, enriching, fancifying, fancying up, festooning, garnishing, glitzing (up), gracing, gussying up, ornamenting, prettying (up), trimming

accessorizing, dressing up, trapping, tricking (out)brightening, freshening, smartening, sprucing (up)bossing, chasingbraiding, embroidering, feathering, figuring, filigreeing, filleting, flouncing, frilling, fringing, furbelowing, garlanding, hanging, lacing, ribboning, swagging, wreathingappliquéing, gilding, paintingdiamonding, gemming, impearling, jeweling(or jewelling), pearlingredecorating, redoing

blemishing, defacing, disfiguring, marring, scarring, spoiling

simplifying, streamliningbaring, denuding, dismantling, displaying, divesting, exposing, revealing, stripping, uncoveringuglifying

to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clotheson Wild West Day some of the women came to the office done up as showgirls, while the men were mostly outlaws

appareling(or apparelling), arraying, attiring, bedecking, caparisoning, clothing, costuming, decking (out), dressing, dressing up, enrobing, garbing, garmenting, getting up, gowning, habiting, investing, rigging (out), robing, suiting, togging (up or out), toileting, vesturing

cloaking, frocking, jacketing, mantling, vestingdraping, enswathing, happing(dialect), huddling, swaddling, swathing, wrappingaccoutring(or accoutering), bedighting(archaic), equipping, furnishing, habilitating, outfitting, tailoring, uniformingdressing down, underdressing

disarraying, disrobing, stripping, unclothing, undressing, untrussing(archaic)

denuding, divesting, uncovering, undraping, unveiling

to use up all the physical energy ofall of this fussing about the wedding has done me up

breaking, burning out, busting, doing in, draining, exhausting, fagging, fatiguing, frazzling, harassing, killing, knocking out, outwearing, tiring, tuckering (out), washing out, wearing, wearing out, wearying

debilitating, enervating, enfeebling, sapping, wasting, weakening

wearing to a frazzle

activating, energizing, invigorating, rejuvenating, strengthening, vitalizingrelaxing, resting, unwinding





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