例句 |
dominationnoun controlling power or influence over othersauction houses battling for domination in the high-end art market ascendance(also ascendence), ascendancy(also ascendency), dominance, dominion, hegemony, imperium, predominance, predominancy, preeminence, reign, sovereignty(also sovranty), supremacy primacy, superioritylordship, scepterarm, authority, choke hold, clutch, command, control, grip, hold, mastery, swaytakeoverdirection, jurisdiction, managementclout, might, pull, weighteminence, importance, momentprerogative, privilege, right helplessness, weaknessimpotence, impotency, powerlessness the act or process of bringing someone or something under one's controlthe Spanish domination of the Americas in the 16th century conquest, dominating, overpowering, subduing, subjecting, subjection, subjugating, subjugation, vanquishing triumph, victory, win, winningbeating, defeat, drubbing, licking, shellacking, trimming, trouncing, whippingenslavementtakeover emancipation, enfranchisement, freeing, liberation, manumission, release in the 14th century |