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donationnoun a gift of money or its equivalent to a charity, humanitarian cause, or public institutiona generous donation to the orphanage from an anonymous benefactor alms, benefaction, beneficence, charity, contribution, philanthropy offering, tithebequest, endowment, legacyaid, assistance, dole, handout, relief, welfaregrant, subsidybenevolence, bestowal, largesse(also largess), present, presentation something given to someone without expectation of a returna chocolate cake was my donation to the office party bestowal, comp, donative, fairing(British), freebie(or freebee), gift, giveaway, handsel, lagniappe, largesse(also largess), present, presentation alms, benefaction, beneficence, benevolence, charity, contribution, dole, handout, oblation, offering, philanthropy, tithebox(British), care package, foy(chiefly Scottish)grant, subsidyremembrance, tribute, valentinebonus, boon, windfallcourtesy, favor, generosity, sacrificegratuity, propine(Scottish), tipaward, prize, rewarddowrybequest, legacy advance, loanbribe, douceur, peace offering, sop in the 15th century |