例句 |
synthesizesverbpresent tense third-person singular of synthesize to make by combining different thingsThey synthesized various suggestions from employees to create an agreeable solution. amalgamates, blends, combines, connects, consolidates, correlates, dovetails, fits, fuses, integrates, joins, matches, merges, mixes, orchestrates, pairs, squares, suits, synchronizes, unifies, unitescodifies, marshals(also marshalls), methodizes, organizes, systematizes, systemizesadapts, tunesaligns(also alines), arranges, arrays, balances, equalizes, evens, orders, proportions, regularizes, standardizesaccommodates, attunes, conciliates, conforms, coordinates, harmonizes, keys, reconciles confuses, disarrays, disorders, disorganizes, disrupts, disturbs, skews, upsetsdisharmonizes |