

单词 raps
例句 rapsnoun1pl. of rap

a formal claim of criminal wrongdoing against a personthe headlines in the paper today are all about the mayor facing an embezzlement rap

charges, complaints, counts, indictments

accusations, allegations, pleascriminationscounteraccusations(or counter-accusations), countercharges(or counter-charges)arraignments, impeachmentsimplications, imputations, innuendos(or innuendoes), insinuationscensures, condemnations, denunciationsincriminations, recriminations

a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrumentthe doctor used a little hammer to give me a rap on the knee to test my reflexes

bangs, bashes, bats, beats, belts, biffs, blows, bops, boxes, buffets, busts, chops, claps, clips, clouts, cracks, cuffs, dabs, douses(British), fillips, hacks, haymakers, hits, hooks, knocks, larrups(dialect), lashes, licks, pelts, picks, plumps, pokes, pounds, punches, slams, slaps, slugs, smacks, smashes, socks, spanks, stingers, stripes, strokes, swats, swipes, switches, thuds, thumps, thwacks, wallops, welts, whacks, whams, whops(also whaps)

counterblows(or counter-blows), counterpunches, counters, counterstrokes(or counter-strokes)body blows, hands, kicks, knees, lefts, one-twos, rabbit punches, right-handers, rights, roundhouses, shivers, sidewinders, sucker punches, swings, uppercutscrunchers, kayos, knockdowns, knockouts, KOsbastinadoes(or bastinades), batterings, beatings, drubbings, lickings, pastings, thrashingswallopings, whippings, whips

rapsnoun2pl. of rap

the smallest amount or part imaginableI don't care a rap about losing that old jacket

beans, continentals, damns, darns(also durns), diddlies(slang), diddly-squats(slang), doodley-squats(or doodly-squats), figs, ghosts, hoots, iotas, jots, licks, modicums, squats(slang), syllables, tittles, whits, whoops

aces, bits, crumbs, dabs, driblets, glimmers, hints, little, mites, nips, ounces, particles, peanuts, pins, rays, scraps, scruples, semblances, shades, shadows, shreds, skoshes, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), snaps, specks, spots, sprinklings, strains, streaks, suspicions, touches, traces

rapsverb1present tense third-person singular of rap

to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous mannera childhood memory of the time he got his knuckles rapped for trying to steal candy from the corner store

bangs, bashes, bats, belts, biffs, bludgeons, bobs, bonks, bops, boxes, busts, claps, clips, clobbers, clocks, clouts, cracks, hammers, hits, knocks, nails, pastes, pounds, punches, slams, slaps, slogs, slugs, smacks, smites, socks, strikes, swats, swipes, tags, thumps, thwacks, wallops, whacks, whales, zaps

batters, beats, buffets, bungs, chops, cuffs, drubs, laces, lambastes(or lambasts), licks, mangles, mauls, pelts, peppers, pommels, pummels, roughsscuffsbunts, flicks, strokes, tapsbumps, butts, jabs, jostles, kicks, knees, pokes, prods, pushes, shoves, stampsbowls (down or over), creams, decks, dumps(slang), fells, floors, knocks down, levelsrabbit-punches, sucker punchescanes, clubs, cudgels, flails, flogs, lashes, saps, slashes, sledgehammers, sledges, spears, stabs, switches, thrashes, whipsbeans, brains, conks, skulls

hangs one on

to strike or cause to strike lightly and usually rhythmicallythe impatient man was rapping his knuckles on the door, hoping to wake up the sleeping attendant

beats, drums, taps

bangs, bashes, bats, bonks, bops, hammers, hits, knocks, pastes, pounds, slams, smacks, socks, strikes, swats, thuds, thumps, thwacks, wallops, whackschinks, clatters, clinks, pingspats, pit-a-pats, pitter-patterschucks, claps, clicks, flicks, tips

rapsverb2present tense third-person singular of rap

to engage in casual or rambling conversationthe guys at the gym never seem to tire about rapping about basketball

babbles, blabs, cackles, chaffers(British), chats, chatters, chins(slang), converses, gabbles, gabs, gases(or gasses), jabbers, jaws, kibitzes(also kibbitzes), natters, palavers, patters, prates, prattles, rattles, runs on, schmoozes(or shmoozes), talks, twitters, visits

gossips, tattlesdescants, discusses, expatiatesyaks(also yacks), yammers, yaps

blows smoke, chews the fat(also chews the rag), shoots the breeze, talks a blue streak

rapsverb3present tense third-person singular of rap

to fill with overwhelming emotion (as wonder or delight)concertgoers were utterly rapped by the power of Handel's oratorio

carries away, enraptures, enthralls(or enthrals), entrances, raptures, ravishes, transports

delights, gladdens, gratifies, pleases, satisfiesbewitches, captivates, charms, enchants, fascinateselates, excites, exhilarates, stirs

knocks dead, knocks one's socks off

to take physical control or possession of (something) suddenly or forciblysuddenly the hawk swooped down and rapped the unwary rodent

bags, captures, catches, collars, cops(slang), corrals, gets, gloms, grabs, grapples, hooks, lands, nabs, nails, nets, nobbles(British slang), seizes, snags, snaps (up), snares, snatches, traps

gloves, halters, lassos, ropesapprehends, arrests, detainsbays, cornersclasps, clutches, fastens (on), fists, grasps, grips, holds, latches (on or onto), securesrends, wrestsenmeshes(also immeshes), ensnares, entangles, entraps, meshesabducts, kidnaps, spirits (away or off)

takes hold (of)


discharges, frees, liberates, releasesdrops, loosens, unhands





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