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raysnounpl. of ray a narrow sharply defined line of light radiating from an objecttwo red eyes reflected in the ray of light from the flashlight a very small amountthe tapping sound ceased, extinguishing the last ray of hope that the trapped miners were still alive aces, bits, crumbs, dabs, drams, driblets, glimmers, hints, licks, little, mites, nips, ounces, particles, peanuts, scintillas, scruples, shades, shadows, shreds, skoshes, smacks, smells, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), snaps, soupçons, sparks, spatters, specks, splashes, spots, sprinklings, strains, streaks, suspicions, touches, traces hoots, iotas, jots, minima(or minimums), minims, modicums, semblances, syllables, tittles, vestiges, whitsatoms, dots, flecks, flyspecks, grains, granules, molecules, morsels, motes, nubbins, patches, scrapsdashes, drops, pinchesparts, portions, sectionsbites, nibbles, tasteshandfuls(also handsful), scatterings, smatterings, smattersdoses, shotschips, flakes, fragments, shards, shivers, slivers, smithereens, splintersshreds, tattersclippings, parings, shavings drops in the bucket abundances, barrels, boatloads, buckets, bundles, bushels, deals, fistfuls, gobs, heaps, lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lots, masses, messes, mountains, much, oodles, passels, pecks, piles, plenties, potfuls, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, scads, stacks, wads, wealthsvolumesbonanzas, embarrassments, excesses, overabundances, overages, overflows, overkills, overmuch, oversupplies, superabundances, superfluities, surfeits, surpluseschunks, hunks, lumps, slabs raysverbpresent tense third-person singular of rayto emit rays of lightklieg lights were raying against the nighttime sky at the Hollywood premiere beams, radiates, shines blazes, burns, fires, flames, gleams, glimmers, glints, glistens, glisters, glitters, glows, luminesces, sheens, shimmersblinks, coruscates, flares, flashes, flickers, lusters(or lustres), scintillates, spangles, sparkles, twinkles, winkles, winksbeats (down), glaresbrightens, illuminates, illumines, irradiates, lightens, lightsbedazzles, blinds, dazes, dazzles blackens, darkenslowers(also lours) to extend outwards from or as if from a central pointlaugh wrinkles rayed out from the corners of the old man's eyes branches, fans (out), radiates diffuses, dispels, disperses, dissipatesforks, stemsdiverges, divides, parts, ramifies, separates, splits, uncouples, unlinks, unyokesscatters, splays, spreadsarises, derives, emanates, flows, issues, proceeds, springs concentrates, converges, focuses(or focusses), funnels, meets approaches, closes in (on), nearscenters (on), centralizesconnects, couples, joins, links, unites |