例句 |
reactionariesnounpl. of reactionary a person whose political beliefs are centered on tradition and keeping things the way they arereactionaries tried to stop the passage of the legislation extending civil rights archconservatives, conservatives, paleoconservatives, rightists, right-wingers, Tories, traditionalists rights, right-wingsconformistsneocons, neoconservativesdiehards, standpattersbourbons, fuddy-duddies, squares, stuffed shirts lefties, leftists, left-wingers, liberals, progressives extremists, radicals, reds, revolutionaries, revolutionistsreformers, reformists a person with old-fashioned ideasa reactionary in the nation's ongoing culture war, she seems to believe that watching any TV at all will rot your brain antediluvians, dodoes(or dodos), fogies(also fogeys), fossils, fuddy-duddies, fuds, mossbacks, stick-in-the-muds, stuffed shirts conservatives, rightists, Toriesmandarins, old hands, old-timers, veteransold maids hipsters, moderns, trendies liberals, progressives, radicals |