例句 |
doorsnounpl. of door a barrier by which an entry is closed and openedwe locked the door to the room so that no one could get in gates, hatches, portals double doors, Dutch doors, French doors, lattices, portcullises, posterns, revolving doors, storm doors, trapdoors, wickets the opening through which one can enter or leave a structurea steady stream of visitors through the front door doorways, entrances, gates, gateways, ways hatches, hatchways the means or right of entering or participating ineducation unlocks the door to advancement accesses, accessions, admissions, admittances, doorways, entrances, entrées(or entrees), entries, gateways, ingresses, keys, passports, tickets approvals, authorizations, certifications, permissions, qualificationsopen doors, welcome mats discharges, dismissals, ejections, expulsions, ousters, rejections, removals |