例句 |
roundingverbpresent participle of round to form into a round compact masscarefully rounded the dough and placed it on a cookie tray agglomerating, balling, rolling, wadding bunching, clumping, lumpingbeading, pearling, pelleting, pelletizingsphering unrolling flattening, opening, smoothing, spreading, unfolding to travel completely arounda monorail for visitors that rounds the park circling, circuiting, circumnavigating, circumventing, compassing, encircling, girdling, orbiting, ringing circumambulating, crossing, perambulating, traversing to turn away from a straight line or courserounded on the track and headed for the finish line arching, arcing, bending, bowing, crooking, curving, falling off, hooking, sweeping, swerving, trending, wheeling circling, coiling, curlicuing, curling, looping, spiraling(or spiralling)turning, twisting, windingdeviating, veering straightening |