例句 |
languagenoun the stock of words, pronunciation, and grammar used by a people as their basic means of communicationGreat Britain, the United States, Australia, and other countries where English is the dominant language lingo, mother tongue, speech, tongue, vocabulary acrolectargot, cant, colloquial, dialect, idiolect, idiom, jargon, parlance, patois, patter, pidgin, slang, slanguage, vernacularcolloquialism, localism, provincialism, regionalism, shibboleth, vernacularismterminologycoinage, modernism, neologism the special terms or expressions of a particular group or field"love" means "nothing" in the language of tennis argot, cant, dialect, jargon, jive, lingo, patois, patter, shop, shoptalk, slang, terminology, vocabulary colloquial, colloquialism, idiom, localism, parlance, pidgin, provincialism, regionalism, speech, vernacular, vernacularismslanguagebureaucratese, computerese, cyberspeak, educationese, governmentese, journalese, technobabble the way in which something is put into wordswe're finding the language of the legal documents to be tough going diction, phraseology, phrasing, verbiage, wording expression, formulation, locutionenunciation, phrase, speech, style, utterance, voice in the 14th century |