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roundupnoun a short statement of the main pointsI can't read 500 pages by tomorrow, so just give me the roundup abstract, breviary, brief, capsule, conspectus, digest, encapsulation, epitome, inventory, outline, précis, recap, recapitulation, résumé(or resume also resumé), run-through, rundown, sum, sum-up, summa, summarization, summary, summing-up, synopsis, wrap-up abbreviation, abridgment(or abridgement), compend, compendium, condensation, curtailment, shorteningsimplification, streamliningrehash, repriseconclusion, epilogue(also epilog) amplification, enlargement, expansionaddendum, supplement round upverbto bring together in one body or placerounded everyone up for one final training session accumulate, amass, assemble, bulk (up), collect, concentrate, congregate, constellate, corral, garner, gather, group, lump, pick up ball, batch, bunch, cluster, huddleheap, pile, stackband, brigade, muster, raise, rallyflock, herd, hive, pack, press, swarm, throngcombine, connect, join, link, merge, pool, unitearchive, arrange, collate, compile, organize, systematizescrape (up or together)re-collect, regather, regroup get together dispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter break up, disband, disintegrate, dissolve, separate, sever, split (up)dismiss, send in 1847 |