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taking oververbpresent participle of take over to serve as a replacement usually for a time onlyI'll take over for her until she gets back from her morning break covering, filling in, pinch-hitting, standing in, stepping in, subbing, substituting understudyingrelieving, spellingdoubling (as) to take to or upon oneselftook over the responsibility of caring for the animals accepting, assuming, bearing, shouldering, undertaking adopting, embracing, taking upadvocating, backing, championing, endorsing(also indorsing), espousing, standing by, supporting, upholdingacceding, acquiescing, agreeing, assenting, consentingreaccepting, reassuming disavowing, disclaiming, disowning, repudiating abjuring, recanting, renouncing, retracting, taking back, unsaying, withdrawingdeclining, refusing, rejecting, spurning, turning downabstaining (from), forbearing, refraining (from)avoiding, bypassing, detouringabandoning, abnegating, forsaking, giving up, relinquishing, spurning, surrenderingbacking down, backing off, backtracking to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual rightstudents protesting the war took over the college's radio station appropriating, arrogating, commandeering, converting, expropriating, pirating, preempting, pressing, seizing, usurping annexing, attaching, claiming, confiscating, impounding, repossessing, sequesteringassuming, collaring, grabbing, grasping, snatching, stealing, wrenching, wrestingdespoiling, looting, pillagingencroaching, infringing, invading, occupying, preoccupying, trespassingembezzling, misapplying, misappropriating, misusing, peculating |