例句 |
talebearersnounpl. of talebearer a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about othersstatehouse talebearers had long spread stories about the governor's extramarital affairs circulators, gossipers, gossipmongers, gossips, newsmongers, quidnuncs, tale-tellers, telltales, yentas betrayers, blabbermouths, informants, informers, snitchers, squealers, stool pigeons, tattlers, tattletaleslibelers, scandalmongers a person who provides information about another's wrongdoingthe teacher told him not to be such a talebearer, as she was quite capable of detecting student misbehavior on her own betrayers, canaries(slang), deep throats, finks, informants, informers, narks(British), rat finks, rats, snitchers, snitches, squealers, stoolies, stool pigeons, tattlers, tattletales, telltales, whistle-blowers collaboratorsblabbermouths, blabbers, gossipers, gossips, leakerssnoopers, snoops, spiesnotifiers |