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talknoun a usually formal discourse delivered to an audiencethe noted author's talk on the state of the modern novel address, declamation, harangue, oration, peroration, speech diatribe, rant, tiradeeulogy, panegyric, tributekeynote address(or keynote speech), lecture, salutatoryhomily, sermonmonologue(also monolog), soliloquypitch, presentation, spiel an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issuewhat good will all this talk do when we need to take action now? argument, argumentation, argy-bargy(chiefly British), back-and-forth, colloquy, confab, confabulation, conference, consult, consultation, council, counsel, debate, deliberation, dialogue(also dialog), discussion, give-and-take, palaver, parley bull session, chat room, forum, meeting, powwow(informal, now offensive), roundtable, seminar, skull session(also skull practice), symposium, talkathonchat, conversation, rap, wordsdiscourse, disquisitionbargaining, consultancy, negotiation, pourparler friendly, informal conversation or an instance of thissat down by the fire and had a nice little talk about what was new in the village backchat, cackle, causerie, chat, chatter, chin music, chin-wag(slang), chitchat, confab, confabulation, gab, gabfest, gossip, jangle, jaw, natter(chiefly British), palaver, patter, rap, schmooze, small talk, table talk, tête-à-tête colloquy, conference, discourse, parley, powwow(informal, now offensive), symposiumdebate, dialogue(also dialog), exchange, give-and-takecrosstalk, happy talkyak(also yack), yammer, yap information or opinion that is widely disseminated without any authority or confirmation of accuracyher wild behavior is exciting some lurid talk buzz, dish, gossip, hearsay, noise, report, rumor, scuttlebutt, tattle, word tale, whisper, whisperinghint, intimation, rumblingdisinformation, propagandaurban legend(also urban myth)dirt, scandal talkverbto give a formal often extended talk on a subjectthe fire chief often talks at school assemblies about fire safety declaim, descant, discourse, expatiate, harangue, lecture, orate, speak recite, soliloquizedissert, expound, pontificate, sermonizemouth, spoutfilibuster hold forth, take the floor to engage in casual or rambling conversationtalked with our neighbor as we unloaded the groceries from the car babble, blab, cackle, chaffer(British), chat, chatter, chin(slang), converse, gab, gabble, gas, jabber, jaw, kibitz(also kibbitz), natter, palaver, patter, prate, prattle, rap, rattle, run on, schmooze(or shmooze), twitter, visit gossip, tattledescant, discuss, expatiateyak(also yack), yammer, yap blow smoke, chew the fat(also chew the rag), shoot the breeze, talk a blue streak to express (a thought or emotion) in wordsyou're talking nonsense: take a minute and think about what you are trying to say, and then start speaking articulate, bring out, enunciate, pass, say, speak, state, tell, utter, verbalize, vocalize air, discuss, give, look, share, sound, vent, ventilate, voiceblabber, bolt, blurt, get off, shootadvertise, announce, blaze, broadcast, declare, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publishaffirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch, avowbreathe, chirp, drawl, gasp, lip, mouth, murmur, purr, shout, splutter, spout, whisperclothe, couch, formulate, formulize, phrase, put, wordcomment, pipe up (with), remarkrip (out), snarl put into words stifle, suppress to give information (as to the authorities) about another's improper or unlawful activitiesafter being threatened, the eyewitness started talking at length about what he had seen in the alley fink, grass (on)(British slang), inform, rat (on), sing, snitch, split (on)(British), squeak, squeal, tell (on) betray, give away, turn inbackstab, cross, double-cross, sell (out), two-timeblab, tattletip (off) drop a dime (on) to relate sometimes questionable or secret information of a personal natureyou're a fine one to talk about your sister's marital problems when you have had plenty of your own blab, dish, gossip, tattle, wag bandy (about), circulate, noise (about or abroad), rumorblabber, disclose, divulge, reveal, tellhint, imply, insinuate, intimate, let on, suggestinform, report, snitch, squeal, tip (off)babble, spillconfide spill the beans clam up, shut up in the 13th century |