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tattlenoun information or opinion that is widely disseminated without any authority or confirmation of accuracyshe claims to have picked up some juicy tattle about the celebrity couple buzz, dish, gossip, hearsay, noise, report, rumor, scuttlebutt, talk, word tale, whisper, whisperinghint, intimation, rumblingdisinformation, propagandaurban legend(also urban myth)dirt, scandal tattleverbto relate sometimes questionable or secret information of a personal naturethose neighborhood busybodies, constantly tattling and whispering over their backyard fences blab, dish, gossip, talk, wag bandy (about), circulate, noise (about or abroad), rumorblabber, disclose, divulge, reveal, tellhint, imply, insinuate, intimate, let on, suggestinform, report, snitch, squeal, tip (off)babble, spillconfide spill the beans clam up, shut up ca. 1529 |