例句 |
dragsnounpl. of drag someone or something boringthat lecture was such a drag that half of the audience fell asleep bores, drips, droners, dullsvilles, nudniks(also nudnicks), snoozers, snoozes, yawners, yawns bummers, downersbromides, pills blasts, gases(also gasses, slang), kicks, rushes, uppers a passage cleared for public vehicular travelthe main drag in town arterials, arteries, avenues, boulevards, carriageways(British), drives, expressways, freeways, high roads, highways, passes, pike(or pikes), roads, roadways, routes, rows, streets, thoroughfares, thruways, traces, turnpikes, ways causewaysautobahns, autoroutes, autostradas(or autostrade), dual carriageways(chiefly British), interstates, motorways(chiefly British), superhighwaysbeltways, bypasses, parkways, ring roads(chiefly British)corniches, switchbacksthrough streetshigh streets(British), Main Streetsbackstreets, branches, bystreets, byways, crossroads, secondary roads, shunpikes, side roads, side streetsalleys, alleywayscircles, lanes, laneways(British), mews(chiefly British), placescloses(chiefly British), culs-de-sac(also cul-de-sacs), dead endscorridorstracks, trails something that makes movement or progress difficultthe drag of stagnating wages on bringing the economy out of the recession balks, bars, blocks, chains, clogs, cramps, crimps, deterrents, embarrassments, encumbrances, fetters, handicaps, hindrances, holdbacks, hurdles, impediments, inhibitions, interferences, lets, manacles, obstacles, obstructions, shackles, stops, stumbling blocks, trammels catches, hitches, rubs, snagsbarriers, blockades, blockages, brick walls, stone wallsarrests, bits, brakes, checks, constraints, curbs, hobbles, reins, restraintsembargoes, stoppagesdelays, holdups, stallsburdens, cumbers, loadsdangers, hazards, perils, reefsadversities, difficulties, disadvantages, drawbacks, hardships catalysts, goads, impetuses, incentives, spurs, stimulants, stimuliadvantages, breaks, edgesaids, assistances, benefits, boosts, handmaidens(also handmaids), help the portion of a serving of a beverage that is swallowed at one timetook a deep drag of tequila before speaking his piece belts, drafts, drinks, gulps, nips, quaffs, shots, sips, slugs, snorts, sups, swallows, swigs, swills drams, drops a person who spoils the pleasure of othersthe teenager was mortified to be seen in public with such drags—her parents grinches, killjoys, party poopers, spoilsports, wet blankets fuddy-duddies, goody-goodies, old maids, stick-in-the-mudsdefeatists, Jeremiahs, knockers, pessimistscomplainers, crabs, cynics, grouches, grumps, soreheads, sourpusses, whinersbores, downers, drips cutups, jesters, live wirescarousers, celebrants, celebrators, merrymakers, rejoicers, revelers(or revellers), roistererslibertines, playboys, playgirls, rakes clothing chosen as appropriate for a specific situationthey attended the Renaissance fair in medieval drag costumes, dresses, garbs, getups, guises, outfits, togs apparels, attires, clothes, duds, habiliments, raimentsfashions, modes, stylesarrays, caparisons, vestments dragsverbpresent tense third-person singular of dragto cause to follow by applying steady force onthe deliveryman dragged the barrels over against the wall draws, hales, hauls, lugs, pulls, tows, tugs attractsheaves, jerks, yankscarries, conveys, ferries, moves, transports drives, propels, pushes shoves, thrusts to move or act slowlyone of the climbers was beginning to drag crawls, creeps, dallies, dawdles, delays, diddles, dillydallies, lags, lingers, loiters, lollygags(also lallygags), mopes, pokes, shilly-shallies, tarries fiddles (around), fools around, messes around, monkeys (around), plays, potters (around), putters (around), trifleshangs (around or out), idles, loafs, lolls, loungesambles, eases, inches, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, staggers, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up)filibusters, procrastinates, stalls, temporizes drags one's feet(also drags one's heels), drops behind, falls behind, hangs fire, marks time, takes one's time barrels, bolts, careers, courses, dashes, flies, hastens, hotfoots (it), hurries, races, rips, rockets, runs, rushes, scoots, scuds, scurries, speeds, tears, whirls, whisks, whizzes, zips bowls, breezes, darts, humps, hurtles, hustles, scrambles, stampedesgallops, jogs, runs, sprints, trotsaccelerates, quickens, speeds (up)catches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakes to move slowlythe play dragged and seemed to take forever to get to its predictable conclusion crawls, creaks (along), creeps, inches, limps, noses, oozes, plods, pokes, slouches, snails lumbers, shambles, shuffles, tramps, trudges flies, races, speeds, whizzes, zips floats, glides, sailshurries, tears |