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bannersnounpl. of banner a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as an emblem or for signalingthe boat flew a bright red banner for the seaport's harbor festival banderoles(or banderols), colors, ensigns, flags, guidons, jacks, pendants(also pendents, chiefly British), pennants, pennons, standards, streamers buntings, gonfalonsblack flags, Jolly Rogers, tricolors, union jacks, white flagsburgees, semaphores, signalers(or signallers), waftsbadges, coats of arms, crests, insignia(or insignias) an attention-getting word or phrase used to publicize something (as a campaign or product)after the near accident, the nuclear power station is now operating under the banner of "safety first" catchphrases, cries, shibboleths, slogans, taglines, watchwords expressions, idiomscatchwords, clichés(also cliches)maxims, mottoes(also mottos)battle cries, war cries |