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lay awayverb to put (something of future use or value) in a safe or secret placethe weather forecast warned of a severe storm, so we laid away a generous supply of bottled water and canned food just in case cache, hoard, lay by, lay in, lay up, put by, salt away, squirrel (away), stash, stockpile, store, stow, treasure accumulate, acquire, amass, assemble, collect, concentrate, garner, gather, pick up, round up, scrape (together)heap, pile, stackconserve, husband, preservebank, coffer, deposit, hold, keep, reserve, retain, save, set by, stock, withholdbury, conceal, ensconce, secrete set aside cast, discard, ditch, dump, fling (off or away), jettison, throw away, throw out, unloadconsume, squander, use up, wastehand out, hand over, relinquish, surrenderblow, dissipate, fritter (away), lavish, misspend, run through, spenddeplete, exhaust, expend, impoverishdispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter ca. 1928 |