例句 |
leading one down the garden pathphrasealso leading one up the garden pathpresent participle of lead one down the garden path to cause to believe what is untrueThe suspect led the cops down the garden path with a series of misleading phone calls. bamboozling, beguiling, bluffing, buffaloing, burning, catching, conning, cozening, deceiving, deluding, duping, faking out, fooling, gaffing, gammoning, gulling, having, having on(chiefly British), hoaxing, hoodwinking, hornswoggling, humbugging, juggling, misguiding, misinforming, misleading, snookering, snowing, spoofing, stringing along, suckering, sucking in, taking in, tricking kidding, putting on, teasingbleeding, cheating, chiseling(or chiselling), defrauding, diddling, euchring, fleecing, flimflamming, gypping, hustling, mulcting, rooking, shortchanging, skinning, squeezing, sticking, stinging, swindling doing a number on, pulling one's leg, pulling the wool over one's eyes undeceiving debunking, exposing, revealing, showing up, uncloaking, uncovering, unmaskingdisclosing, divulging, telling, unveilingdisabusing, disenchanting, disillusioning |