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leadoffadjective coming before all others in time or orderthe leadoff batter earliest, first, foremost, headmost, inaugural, initial, maiden, original, pioneer, premier, virgin ancient, early, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primordialantecedent, preceding, previous final, last, latest, latter, terminal, terminating, ultimate advanced, lateconsequent, ensuing, following, subsequent, succeedingpenultimate lead offverbto take the first step in (a process or course of action)plans to lead off the news conference with a prepared statement begin, commence, embark (on or upon), enter (into or upon), fall (to), get off, kick off, launch, open, start, strike (into) create, generate, inaugurate, initiate, innovate, invent, originateadopt, embrace, take on, take upestablish, father, found, institute, organize, pioneer, set up, spawnget around (to), get down (to), get round (to) get going, get to, set about conclude, end, finish, terminate cease, desist, discontinue, halt, knock off, lay off, quit, stopclose, completeabandon, forsake, leaveabolish, demolish, destroy, exterminate, extinguish, phase out in 1806 |