例句 |
barbaricadjective having or showing the desire to inflict severe pain and suffering on othersa barbaric dictator who tortured his own people with no qualms atrocious, barbarous, brutal, brute, butcherly, cruel, fiendish, heartless, inhuman, inhumane, sadistic, savage, truculent, vicious, wanton hard-hearted, ironhearted, merciless, pitiless, ruthless, stonyhearted, unfeelingfell, ferocious, grimbloodthirsty, cutthroat, murderous, sanguinary, sanguinecatty, despiteful, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vindictivedraconian, draconic, hardhanded, harsh, heavy-handed, oppressive red in tooth and claw benign, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, humane, kind, kindhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted tender, warm, warmheartedcharitable, clement, lenient, merciful, pityingpacific, peaceable, peaceful not civilizedthe barbaric forebears of modern mankind barbarian, barbarous, heathen, heathenish, natural, Neanderthal(or Neandertal), rude, savage, uncivil, uncivilized, uncultivated, wild coarse, crude, primitive, roughuncouth, uncultured civilized cultured, enlightened, humane, sophisticatedgenteel, polished, polite, refined, urbane, well-bredsemicivilized in the 15th century |