例句 |
reapsverbpresent tense third-person singular of reap to catch or collect (a crop or natural resource) for human usemy great-grandfather had to reap the wheat on his family farm with a hand scythe gathers, harvests, picks clams, fishes, seals, shrimps, whalesaccumulates, forages, garnersgleanscuts, hays, mowsbags, captures, hunts, nets, snares, trapscrops, grows, raises plants, seeds, sows to receive as return for effortif you continue to work hard at musicianship, you will reap the rewards of being a concert pianist acquires, attains, bags, brings in, captures, carries, comes by, draws, earns, gains, garners, gets, knocks down, lands, makes, obtains, procures, pulls down, realizes, secures, wins clears, grosses, netsaccomplishes, achieves, notches (up), scoresaccumulates, amasses, draws, racks upcatches, picks upannexes, occupies, takes overreacquires, reattains, recaptures, regains, remakes forfeits, loses accords, gives, grants, paysgives up, hands over, parts (with), relinquishes, surrenders, yields |