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abandonmentnoun carefree freedom from constraintsang at the top of her lungs with complete abandonment in the shower abandon, ease, lightheartedness, naturalness, spontaneity, spontaneousness, unconstraint, uninhibitedness, unrestraint ardor, enthusiasm, exuberance, fervor, spirit, warmth, zeal, zealotry, zealousnesscarelessness, heedlessness, impulsiveness, impulsivity, indiscretion, insouciance, recklessness, thoughtlessnessunself-consciousnesscasualness, offhandednessexcess, excessiveness, immoderacy, incontinence, indulgence, intemperance, licentiousness, permissiveness, wantonness, wildnessblank check, carte blanche, free hand constraint, restraint embarrassment, reserve, reticence, self-consciousness, uneasinessinhibition, repression, self-restraint, suppressioncarefulness, discreetness, discretion, heedfulnessdiscipline, self-command, self-control, self-denial, self-discipline, self-mastery, willpower the act of abandoningthe law says abandonment by the owner of any building for more than a year entitles the city to sell it dereliction, desertion, forsaking defectiontergiversationdiscard, dumping, jettisoning reclamation retentionrecoupment, repossession, retrieval the act of putting an end to something planned or previously agreed tothe park commissioner cited cost considerations as the main reason for the project's abandonment abortion, calling, calling off, cancellation(also cancelation), dropping, recall, recision, repeal, rescission, revocation annulment, invalidation, neutralization, nullification, voidanceabolishment, abolition, ending, halting, stopping, terminationgiving up, relinquishment, surrenderreversal, rollback continuation beginning, commencement, initiationengagement, undertaking in 1593 |