例句 |
aboveadverb to or in a higher placewe eventually got used to the planes constantly flying above abovenouna dwelling place of perfect happiness for the soul after deathin her dying days she was supposedly visited by an angel from above bliss, elysian fields, Elysium, empyrean, heaven, kingdom come, New Jerusalem, paradise, sky, Zion(also Sion) Beulah, glory, happy hunting ground, nirvana, promised land, Valhallaafterlife, afterworld, hereafter, otherworld on high Gehenna, hell, Pandemonium, perdition infernolimbo, purgatoryhades, netherworld, underworldabyss, pit aboveprepositionhigher thanone minute our kite was above the telephone wires; the next minute it was tangled in them over atop below, beneath, under underneath before the 12th century |