

单词 argument
例句 argumentnoun

an often noisy or angry expression of differing opinionsthe couple's arguments were often loud enough to be heard all over the neighborhood

altercation, argle-bargle(chiefly British), argy-bargy(chiefly British), battle royal, bicker, brawl, contretemps, controversy, cross fire, disagreement, dispute, donnybrook, falling-out, fight, hassle, imbroglio, kickup, misunderstanding, quarrel, rhubarb, row, scrap, set-to, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle

clash, run-in, skirmish, tangle, tusslelogomachyfeud, vendettaattack, contention, dissension(also dissention)debate, difference, disputationfuss, objection, protest, protestationaffray(chiefly British), fisticuffs, fracas, fray, free-for-all, melee(also mêlée)catfight

a statement given to explain a belief or actgave a solid argument for the redeeming value of the shockingly violent movie

account, accounting, case, explanation, rationale, reason

alibi, apologia, apology, defense, excuse, justification, vindicationappeal, pleaguise, pretense(or pretence), pretext, rationalization

an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issuethe president of the Senate has allotted a week for the argument of the treaty

argumentation, argy-bargy(chiefly British), back-and-forth, colloquy, confab, confabulation, conference, consult, consultation, council, counsel, debate, deliberation, dialogue(also dialog), discussion, give-and-take, palaver, parley, talk

bull session, chat room, forum, meeting, powwow(informal, now offensive), roundtable, seminar, skull session(also skull practice), symposium, talkathonchat, conversation, rap, wordsdiscourse, disquisitionbargaining, consultancy, negotiation, pourparler

an idea or opinion that is put forth in a discussion or debateit's my argument that we have too many problems here on earth to concern ourselves with manned trips to Mars

assertion, contention, thesis

conjecture, guess, hunch, hypothesis, speculation, surmise, theoryproposal, propositionassumption, presupposition, suppositionposition, standcase, explanation, rationale, reason

in the 14th century





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