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barksnounpl. of bark a boat equipped with one or more sailstook a small bark out on the lake dinghies, sailboats, windjammers brigantines, bugeyes, caïques, caravels, catamarans, catboats, cat rigs, clippers, corvettes, cutters, frigates, galleons, galleys, junk, keelboats, ketches, knockabouts, luggers, outriggers, pinnaces, piraguas, sailers, schooners, shallops, sharpies, ships, sloops, square-riggers, xebecs, yachts, yawlsbottoms, crafts, vessels barksverb1present tense third-person singular of barkto remove the natural covering ofbarking a tree will probably kill it flays, hulls, husks, peels, shells, shucks, skins bares, denudes, exposes, scales, stripspares barksverb2present tense third-person singular of barkto speak sharply or irritablythe new supervisor found that speaking to people with a civil tongue got better results than barking at them snaps, snarls growls, grumblesroars, screams, shouts, shrieks, yellsfulminates, rages, rants, raves, sputters, storms, tees off, vents, vituperatesblows up, explodes, flares (up), flips (out)(slang) calms (down), simmers down |