例句 |
ductileadjective technicalcapable of being bent or pulled into different shapesductile iron adaptable, kneadable, malleable, moldable, plastic, pliable, pliantbouncy, elastic, flexible, resilient, rubberlike, rubbery, springy, stretch, stretchable, stretchy, supple, whippylimber, lissome(also lissom), lithe, lithesome, willowy inelastic, inflexible, nonelastic, rigid, stiffcompact, firm, hard, solid, unyieldingbrittle, crisp, crumbly, flaky(also flakey), friable, short plastic, pliable, pliant, ductile, malleable, adaptable mean susceptible of being modified in form or nature.plastic applies to substances soft enough to be molded yet capable of hardening into the desired fixed form.plastic materials allow the sculptor greater freedom pliable suggests something easily bent, folded, twisted, or manipulated.pliable rubber tubing pliant may stress flexibility and sometimes connote springiness.an athletic shoe with a pliant sole ductile applies to what can be drawn out or extended with ease.ductile metals such as copper malleable applies to what may be pressed or beaten into shape.the malleable properties of gold adaptable implies the capability of being easily modified to suit other conditions, needs, or uses.computer hardware that is adaptable in the 14th century |