例句 |
tauntsverbpresent tense third-person singular of taunt to attack repeatedly with mean put-downs or insultsthe principal reminded the student athletes that taunting their opponents was not showing good sportsmanship baits, hassles, hazes, heckles, needles, rides, teases derides, gibes(or jibes), jeers, mocks, ridiculesannoys, bothers, bugs, burns (up), chafes, frets, frosts, galls, gets, gnaws (at), grates, gripes, hacks (off), hagrides, irks, irritates, itches, nags, narks(British), nettles, peeves, pesters, piques, puts out, rasps, riles, ruffles, spites, troubles, vexesaggravates, exasperates, goads, tests, triesaggrieves, agitates, bedevils, beleaguers, discomforts, disturbs, perturbsbadgers, dogs, houndsbrowbeats, bullies, hectorsharasses, harries, persecutes, plagues, terrorizes, torments, tortures makes game of, picks on |