例句 |
taxesnounpl. of tax a charge usually of money collected by the government from people or businesses for public usethe state sales tax boosted the final cost of my new computer assessments, duties, impositions, imposts, levies direct taxes, personal taxescapitations, customs, excises, hidden taxes, income taxes, poll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, single taxes, sin taxes, tariffs, tolls, tributes, value-added taxes, withholding taxessupertaxes, surcharges, surtaxesdeath taxes, estate taxes, inheritance taxesflat taxes, proportional taxes taxesverbpresent tense third-person singular of taxto subject (a personal quality or faculty) to often excessive stressyour constant arguing is starting to tax my patience strains, stretches, tests, tries demands, exacts, importunes, presses, pressures, pushesaggravates, agitates, annoys, bothers, exasperates, galls, gets (to), gnaws (at), grates, harasses, harries, hassles, irks, irritates, nettles, pains, peeves, pesters, riles, spites, vexes |