例句 |
leftovernoun an unused or unwanted piece or item typically of small size or valuethat doormat is just a leftover from when the new carpet was installed end, fag end, oddment, remainder, remnant, scrap, stub leavings, odds and ends, pickings, refuse, remains, residual, residue, scraping(s), stump, vestigebalance, restchip, flake, fragment, piece, sliver, splinterribbon(s), shred, tatter whole leftovers pl.a remaining group or portiontake as many of these calendars as you want, and put the leftovers back on the shelf balance, leavings, odds and ends, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest fragment, scrap, vestigebutt, oddment, scraping(s), stub, stumpexcess, fat, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus body, bulk, main, mass, most, weight leftoveradjectivestill existing or present after other parts are used or removedThis recipe is a great way to use up leftover rice. remaininglingering, residualabiding, biding, continuing, enduring, holding on, holding up, keeping up, lasting, perduring, persisting, running onstaying, sticking around, tarryingcarrying through, prevailing, surviving abating, dying (down), ebbing, letting up, moderating, subsiding, waningceasing, closing, concluding, desisting, dying, discontinuing, ending, expiring, finishing, lapsing, leaving off, passing, quitting, stopping, terminating, winding up in 1864 |