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legendsnounpl. of legend an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chartthe legend indicated that a large circle represented a major city, while a small circle stood for a small town keys scalescaptionsguides, tables an explanation or description accompanying a pictorial illustrationthe legend in the science textbook indicated that the accompanying picture had been enlarged by 1000% a traditional but unfounded story that gives the reason for a current custom, belief, or fact of naturesome ancient civilizations had legends about spirits that inhabited trees and rocks fables, mythoi, myths allegories, parablesfabrications, fantasies(also phantasies), fictions, figments, inventionsnarratives, sagas, stories, tales, yarns the body of customs, beliefs, stories, and sayings associated with a people, thing, or placethat story of how the world came to be has long been part of Native American legend folklores, legendries, lores, mythoi, mythologies, myths, traditions folklifes(or folklives)information, knowledges, wisdomsanecdotes(also anecdota), fables, folktales, old wives' tales, tales, yarns |