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leisurelyadjective moving or proceeding at less than the normal, desirable, or required speedafter buying our stuff, we just wandered around the mall at a leisurely pace crawling, creeping, dallying, dawdling, dilatory, dillydallying, dragging, laggard, lagging, languid, poking, poky(or pokey), slow, sluggish, snail-paced, snaillike, tardy, unhurried deliberate, measuredinactive, inert, lethargic, loafing, lounginglingering, loitering, tarryingambling, heavy-footed, inching, plodding, shuffling, slow-footedstrollingdecelerating, slowingfilibustering, procrastinating, stalling barreling, bolting, breakneck, breathless, brisk, careering, dizzy, fast, fleet, flying, hasty, hurrying, lightning, meteoric, quick, racing, rapid, rocketing, running, rushing, scooting, scudding, scurrying, snappy, speeding, speedy, swift, warp-speed, whirling, whirlwind, whisking, zipping expeditious, prompt, readyaccelerated, hastened, quickenedhurried, rushed leisurelyadverbat a pace that is less than usual, desirable, or expectedthe old hound dog leisurely sauntered over to his water bowl to take a drink laggardly, pokily, slow, slowly, sluggishly, tardily carefully, cautiously, deliberately, purposefullyheavily, ploddingly apace, briskly, fast, fleetly, full tilt, hastily, meteorically, quick, quickly, rapidly, snappily, speedily, swift, swiftly immediately, posthaste, presto, promptly, pronto, readily, soonimpetuously, impulsively, rashly, recklesslyabruptly, suddenly in the 15th century |