例句 |
lengthsnounpl. of length a wide space or areavowed that he would journey the lengths of the earth to find her breadths, distances, expanses, expansions, extents, fields, plains, reaches, sheets, spreads, stretches, wastes domains, spheres, territoriescompasses, ranges, scopes, sweepsgamuts, scales, spectra(or spectrums)depths, voidsextensions, latitudes, spansamplitudes, immensities, magnitudes the space or amount of space between two points, lines, surfaces, or objectsthe length of a professional tennis court is 78 feet from baseline to baseline distances, leads, removes, spacings, spreads, stretches, ways altitudes, areas, breadths, depths, heights, rises, spaces, volumes, widthsextensions, extentscasts, ranges, reaches, scopes, shots, sweeps, throwsdrops, falls, flights, haulsberths, clearances |