例句 |
barriersnounpl. of barrier a physical object that blocks the waythere was a big barrier plastered with signs saying "Keep Out" around the trash compactor barricades, fences, hedges, walls bars, pales, palingsblocks, chains, clogs, crimps, deterrents, drags, embarrassments, encumbrances, handicaps, hindrances, hurdles, impediments, inhibitions, interferences, lets, obstacles, obstructions, roadblocks, stops, stumbling blocks, trammelsfetters, hobbles, manacles, shacklesconstraints, curbs, restraints, snagsbuffers, bulwarks, bumpers, cushions, dams, fenders, pads, ramparts doors, doorways, entrances, entranceways, entries, entryways, gates, portalsbreaks, gaps, passes |