例句 |
tempernoun a special quality or impression associated with somethingthere's a temper of tranquillity about the retreat that visitors find very inviting air, ambience(or ambiance), aroma, atmosphere, aura, climate, flavor, halo, karma, mood, nimbus, note, odor, patina, smell, vibration(s) aureole(or aureola), mystique, romancegenius locifeel, feeling, sensation, sense, spiritattribute, character, characteristic, image, mark, notion, peculiarity, picture, property, traitcolor, illusion, overtone, semblance, suggestion, tone a state of mind dominated by a particular emotionwas in quite a bad temper after spilling his juice all over his new shirt cheer, feather, humor, mode, mood, spirit angle, attitude, mind-set, outlook, perspective, slant, standpoint, viewpointemotion, feeling, heart, passion, sentimentstrainbelief, conviction, judgment(or judgement), mind, opinionexpression, tone, veincharacter, disposition, identity, individuality, makeup, mettle, personality, selfhood, self-identity, temperamentresponsiveness, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity frame of mind one's characteristic attitude or moodshe has an even temper and a calm manner that sets everyone all at ease disposition, grain, nature, temperament cheer, frame, habit, humor, inclination, mode, spiritangle, attitude, mind-set, outlook, perspective, slant, standpoint, viewpointemotion, feeling, heart, passion, sentimentstrainbelief, conviction, judgment(or judgement), mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, viewexpression, tone, veincharacter, identity, individuality, makeup, mettle, personality, selfhood, self-identity, setupresponsiveness, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity disposition, temperament, temper, character, personality mean the dominant quality or qualities distinguishing a person or group.disposition implies customary moods and attitude toward the life around one.a cheerful disposition temperament implies a pattern of innate characteristics associated with one's specific physical and nervous organization.an artistic temperament temper implies the qualities acquired through experience that determine how a person or group meets difficulties or handles situations.a resilient temper character applies to the aggregate of moral qualities by which a person is judged apart from intelligence, competence, or special talents.strength of character personality applies to an aggregate of qualities that distinguish one as a person.a somber personality before the 12th century |