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temporaladjective having to do with life on earth especially as opposed to that in heavendo not worry about temporal concerns, but instead focus on spiritual matters carnal, earthborn, earthbound, earthly, fleshly, material, mundane, sublunary, terrene, terrestrial, worldly animal, bodily, corporal, corporeal, physicaldaily, diurnalunspiritualanthropic(or anthropical), anthropocentric heavenly, nontemporal, unearthly, unworldly celestial, Elysian, empyreal, empyrean, supernalmetaphysicaldevotional, divine, religious, sacred, spiritual, utopianextraterrestrialethereal, supernatural, transcendent, transcendental not involving religion or religious mattersadministrators on campus are in place to deal with students' temporal needs, and spiritual advisors are available to help students with their nontemporal needs nonreligious, profane, secular atheistic, godless, irreligious, pagan, paganish, religionlesslaical(or laic), lay, nonclericalnondenominational, nonsectarianearthly, mundane, terrene, terrestrial, worldlymaterial, physical, substantialbodily, carnal, corporal, fleshlyblasphemous, impious, irreverent, sacrilegiousunconsecrated, unhallowed religious, sacred divine, spiritualconsecrated, hallowed, holy, sacrosanct, sanctifiedchurchly, devout, godly, pious, prayerful, reverent, worshipfulethereal, insubstantial, metaphysical, unsubstantialbodiless, immaterial, incorporeal, nonphysical in the 14th century |